Tuesday, November 29, 2005

3 and a half hours sweet hours

Until utter meltdown. Hello! Tonight is our show. We will be talking about a variety of things. Like getting in trouble at work for having a lax attitude and strolling in ten minutes late every day for a year! Or more! I think I deserve a ribbon for avoiding a scolding for this long. It's a record worthy of Guinness, or possibly something stronger which will now dull my embarrassment. I don't mind getting in trouble, but formulating my excuses in front of people? That's so obvious! They can see me doing it! Look to the left, stammer, look to the left...
I have to also say that this is our last November show, which means it's the end of a (very short) era. So you should listen - listening is vital! Anything could happen!
#1 will probably have some very important things to tell you, maybe regarding when your Christmas catalogues are coming in the mail. I keep myself on a strict regimen of flyers for the whole month, to distract myself from my caloric intake, so if I don't get my army and navy catalogue today, somebody's going to hear about it! Thankfully, babs 1 stays on top of these things, so that no one has to get violent.
I'm sure there are some other important things for us to talk about, but we'll work that out when we're up against the wire. It all flows so quickly that way.

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