Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I am Jens, Drummer of the crab, the KING CRAB! (However, I don't play on recordings, I am
the useless performance drummer.)
First song: Rocky Monty
Really just about substance abuse and Dave and Josh's problems with it. Really a sad story. I didn't play on this track. I mean, I really didn't play on this track! really....
Watch out...tape recordings lead to bands....ARRGH!
Steroids are not my friend...
French's alphabet makes a very good folk song.
Swedish folk songs (or arias) by Flonk are very incredible.
Track 2: Straw House
Jens' poor singing. Bad.
Track 3: Sailin' Home
Skipping songs are hilarious. This song is about a man coming home from a deserted island. He gets nookie. I don't play on this track. Josh always rocks the house on guitar. Dave's drumming and falsetto make me laugh. That's why he plays bass.
Hello to Mr. Baker!! HI!!!
I like PSA'S!!!
Last names make me laugh!
Snobbery is not awesome!
Track 4: First Day Out of Jail
A messed up song for Josh! I like it! I didn't play on this track...again!
Track 5: Army of Love
Dave's in command!! Apparently Dave is Jimmy Smits! I didn't play on this track! BEWARE THE PROFANITY!
Dave is like David Byrne!!
Track 3: Town of Funk!
I named this song! I love it! I don't play on this track!

**update: listen to the show HERE:
The second half-hour (unfortunately the first half got toasted by the server. Sorry guys).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have heard the whole thing.