Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pollen wolves, aaaargh.

I can feel them closing in. It would take very determined toothpicks to keep my eyes open.

Track list:

1. Land of Talk - applause cheer boo hiss - speak to me bones

Comments: Delightfully energetic. I love it! Play it again, talky.

2. Kids On TV - mixing business with pleasure - breakdance hunx (market value mix)

Comments: Saucy! This is some sort of lo-fi disco fight. It makes me want to dance in an extremely ugly yet comfortable outfit, in a dingy and tacky club, surrounded by the people I love. No hipsters allowed.

3. Shapes and Sizes - split lips, winning hips, a shiner - the horse's mouthy mouth

Comments: WHOO! Swears. I'm being edgy tonight, I guess. Well, not me personally, but the shapes and sizes are. This is very mellow who is messing up, uh, stuff. It's a nice mellow exploration of languid - something, with teamwork and variated tempos. Believe it or not, all of this becomes something I'm quite liking. My tastes are so varied these days.

4. The Sea and Cake - everybody - lightning

Comments: I always feel like a cheater when I pick a song by a band whose name I recognize. They're not obscure and exclusive enough! Their name is less than fifteen syllables and can easily be remembered by the hoi polloi! What a sellout I am! Aw, who cares. I like this.

5. The Februarys - all the time in the world ep - invisibility is a disability

Comments: This music was made in abbotsford! This in itself makes it a curiosity. What kind of music can you make in abbotsford? Well, this, evidently. I'm talking in circles.

6. Kill The Lights - buffalo of love - lady sniper

Comments: Driving music, for sure. I like the bit with the "lady".

7. Joel Plaskett Emergency - ashtray rock - nothing more to say

Comments: I'll probably just keep playing this until they tear it out of my cold, cramped hands. I love how bitchy it is. 'Don't call me up when you figure it out' is my favourite. Delightfully juvenile.
I ran out of space on the log sheet and had to shorten it to 'Joel Plaskett Emerg.', which is what my mum, the hospital worker, calls it. "Just take him down to Emerg." I like it, it implies an intimacy that is totally not there, but which I wish for. "hey yo, Emerg, let's hang out!" Fantastic.

8. Wooden Stars - people are different - gold dust

Comments: Fine craftsmanship, and an enjoyable result. Again with the variable tempo! this must be something the kids are doing now. Although I don't think you could do a comedy sketch where dad finds a variable tempo under your bed and is shocked and horrified. Where would the visual portion of that joke be? Larger minds would have to figure it out.

9. Au Revoir Simone - the bird of music - the lucky one

Comments: I sensed you were feeling tense, and I ordered this up to mellow you out. Soooothing, chickadees. Rest your downy heads on pillows made of pure cloud. Ahh.

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